


Ophthalmology – Amara Medicare


We provide medical and surgical solutions to a diverse range of eye issues and clinical conditions.

Some of the conditions that we treat include:

  • corneal pathology (diseases of the cornea, the thin transparent surface that forms the front of the eyeball)
  • cataracts (where the lens of the eye loses transparency)
  • glaucoma (where the fluid pressure insides the eyes increases, causing visual problems)
  • squints (where there is a problem with the alignment of the eyes)
  • intraocular inflammation (inflammation within the eye)
  • eye-related neurological problems
  • major and minor eye injuries
  • infectious eye disease
  • chronic diseases of the eye such as diabetic retinopathy (disease affecting the retina caused by diabetes) and age-related macular degeneration (deterioration of the macula, the central area of the retina)

The surgeries we provide include:

  • cataract surgery
  • glaucoma surgery
  • strabismus surgery (for squints)
  • Laser eye surgery